Aim for the stars! It might get you to the moon.

Me and Denise took a stroll around town yesterday. Bought a baby-pink winterjacket, a bambi sponge bag, a white knitted scarf and a red-wintery-sweater (I bought the shirt cause it reminds of Takuto's shirt from Star Driver XD). We also went and picked up my merry-go-round music box (which is LOVELY) that I ordered some time ago, so happy! Then we bought some food from Spicy hot and went to my place. We just talked for hours .. Denise also read to me from a Togainu no chi manga that I had lying around. She sounded like Mickey Mouse and we laughed so much! XD I wonder what my neoghbors think of me .. (?)

Slept a little better tonight actually. Woke up a few times though and was really tired in the morning. Cattis called and I feel so bad for canceling our plans. But when I feel so tired and damaged - I'm not very fun to be around.

Also, ordered new contacts from 6 contacts with a dash of Evergreen color that will make my eyes appear a little greener. They were pretty cheap and they will probably be here tomorrow. Which is excellent.

- I'm going up soon! I really miss my Sisters, mom and dad! <3

- Bambi! : D

L E A V E a C O M M E N T
Posted by: ulli

Miss u toooo. <3

2011-12-07 @ 19:29:00

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