I don't believe we are born to be killers.

Been reading some Alice in Wonderland today, written a "have-to-do-list" for all the things I have to take care of before I leave in a week, eating some tacos and now I'm waiting for Beck to start on channel 4. No The Big Bang Theory today .. I am so sad. Also, been listening to the same song over and over again for .. maybe 3 hours now? Dunno why.

I am still tired all the time, though. Can't sleep properly. Next Sunday when I'm going up north - I promise you that I won't be able to sleep, cause I will be to afraid to oversleep and miss the train and the plane. :S Oh well, we'll see what happens.

Gonna eat more food now. Mmmm, corn!

L E A V E a C O M M E N T

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