Two times.

Me, my mom and my sister went on a little shopping-trip to Luleå today! Didn't really find that much - just a perfume and the 3rd professor Layton game. But it was fun spending some extra time with my mom and sis before I leave. (:

It's only 2 days left now! I miss my home and my bed. Not like it's that much of a home .. but my stuff is there. And when I mean stuff - I mean Denise? XD You all should know by now that I spend most of my time at her place. End of story.

Got back about an hour ago. I didn't sleep last night (probably cause I'm going home soon and I am all over the place?) so I'm just gonna take a shower and go to bed. Maybe watch a movie on the computer and hope that I'll fall asleep.

Either way - Next update might be in Eskilstuna.

L E A V E a C O M M E N T

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