Vanilla kisses on Christmas Day.

Hello everyone! So Christmasday, huh? Never thought Christmas would come. The whole holidayspirit was kinda gone though, but I still had an awesome time. Had dinner at my Grandma's place. I barely managed to eat anything though, I got so full after like .. one potato. Not sure why. (OAo) Then we got back to my mom, watched Donald & Co and opened our gifts.

Got alot of funny things. Masks, money, a bunch of Hello Kitty stuff (Yes, I like HK, I can't help it) and even the whole Durarara manga series! So happy ;_____; So I just had an awesome day and everyone was happy. What more could you ask for eh?

Today, I'm just gonna chill and watch a bunch of movies. So, with other words, I will pretty much be chained to the Television. Talk to you laters!

- I also got this: Vanilla Kiss Body Splash!
It's so Pinky and Puffy and smells Wonderful!

L E A V E a C O M M E N T

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