C: Finders keepers.

- Aww, found a little picture of grandma'.
Over 90 years old and has a better memory then anyone ~

We don't play guitars.

Aww, found this on my computer!
You crazy cat. I miss you! ;____;

Time to say ..

Happy Birthday to my Dad, who is turning 52 today!
- lately added.

- Mmm, cake!

- Not like I could really eat it but, it looks good XD

White is a magic color.

I just love the color white. I have no idea why, though. It's so plain and bright - maybe that's why ?

ANYHOW .. yesterday, me, my dad and Ingela went to Kåbdalis on a little skitrip. I haven't been on a snowboard in years and it was soo much fun! Gah, never wanted to stop, but the board I had to rent was so much longer and heavier then my usual board so my legs got so tired at the end. Anyways, I just had a really great time. I've missed snowboarding so much!  I managed to take a few pictures, but they are on my phone atm (didn't wanted to drag my fat camera up the mountain ..). I will upload them once I get them on the computer.

Today I have completely different plans. We are going to the movies to watch "The Stig Helmer Story". Haha, oh I love Stig Helmer .. He is so awkward! (^v^) So that will be fun.

I'm probably going to Gällivare tomorrow. Just for a few hours though. My dad has this job-thing so I'm tagging along. He will drop me off in Gällivare so I can do a little shopping while he has his meeting or whatever. Gonna say hi to mom and stuff too.

So yah, I'm actually doing something with my life.
I've also made a promise to myself to start working out and eat more healthier. I'm starting tomorrow, wish me luck! Talk to myself later. Byebye!

E D I T : Yeah, my phone's camera is not the best ..
This picture is the only one that turned out okey.
To bad.

To J-town.

Hey everyone. So now I'm in Jokkmokk. Since I'm not gonna work anymore in Gällivare (cause the new boss is a .. ya know) I didn't really have anything to do over there. So me and my sister took the bus to new adventures :) I wonder if my mom will think it's tooo empty now when we bouth are gone. Probably gonna go back to Gve before I go home, just to say goodbye and spend some extra time with mom.

Me and my sister will hopefully go to a bunch of second-hand stores tomorrow and see if we manage to find anything fun. Bought a cute little necklace the other day on second-hand, gonna show it off laters ~

Other then that - been checking up on planetickets and stuff, so we'll see when I'll be going home.  In a few weeks maybe .. But til' then I'm gonna have some fun with my sister and the rest of my family.

- Wearing my beloved Stardriver-wannabe-sweater.
Oh gahd I just love it so much.

The final line.

Just wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year and tell you that I love you.
Let's make 2012 flawless (unless it's going to end?) and just focus on making yourself happy and live life! Be fucking ego for once and don't give a shit about what other people think about you.

Make this year about you.

- Aww, pretty little beast!

Vanilla kisses on Christmas Day.

Hello everyone! So Christmasday, huh? Never thought Christmas would come. The whole holidayspirit was kinda gone though, but I still had an awesome time. Had dinner at my Grandma's place. I barely managed to eat anything though, I got so full after like .. one potato. Not sure why. (OAo) Then we got back to my mom, watched Donald & Co and opened our gifts.

Got alot of funny things. Masks, money, a bunch of Hello Kitty stuff (Yes, I like HK, I can't help it) and even the whole Durarara manga series! So happy ;_____; So I just had an awesome day and everyone was happy. What more could you ask for eh?

Today, I'm just gonna chill and watch a bunch of movies. So, with other words, I will pretty much be chained to the Television. Talk to you laters!

- I also got this: Vanilla Kiss Body Splash!
It's so Pinky and Puffy and smells Wonderful!

Behind door 24.

Merry Christmas! Just wanted to wish you all a wonderful day!
Eat alot of food and have just an awesome time!

- Showing up the Christmasgifts I got this morning from:
my Sister and her boyfriend and my mom!

Ka-tjing! Now off to Grandma!

Lullaby in the crazyhouse.

Yeah me and Ulli (my sister) had a little adventure at work today. Managed to stop some shoplifters to complete their crime. Two teenage boys tried to steal these chocolatecakes (small ones, it's not like they tried to put an entire birthday-cake in their pocket or something like that . . . ) But we saw them! Ha!

No but really, to all you shoplifters out there - you are kinda seethrough. You walk around the beer-shelves and where we keep the haircolors. You act all cool and pretend that you have no hurry in the world. Really, we can see you.

The funny thing is that the boys in this case came in to the store. Me and my sister spotted them right away and followed them. They walked around the shelves where we keep these cakes and when they saw us - they walked away . . . Then they came back and tried again. We saw them, confronted them and they gave back the stuff. All that drama for 2 cakes? Was it really worth it guys? Stupid teenagers. We should have asked for their parents phonenumber, then I would assure you that they would never try to steal anything again.

- Speaking of chocolate, all the people in the staff got some chocolate-giftboxes at work.
Not really a chocolate-fan, but oh well. Free stuff is better, or is it? XD

To take away the loneliness.

Good evening.
Been working til' 8.00 / 20.00, so came home only like an hour ago. This day flew by pretty fast though, which was nice. Got my contacts in the mail today aswell, so finally I will be able to see again! Haha.

Gahd, my laptop is so slooow. Even if I shut everything off it still runs as fast as a mashed potato under a rock. Yah, That slow! I really should clean it up, but don't wanna throw away anything. Gah, the anxiety.

And I ate rice pudding for the first time this year! None lactose, yes please! <3
Christmas is coming closer!

- Yes, I'm that type of girl that takes pictures of food and upload them onto the internet.
I am so original.

10 days left.

Yes! 10 days left til' Christmas! I've found gifts for my family now and it feels great that I don't have to stress about that anymore. The presents are piling up under the little tree. 10 days left people! 10 days!

Worked from 8.00 to 14.00 / 2.00 Today. So pretty chill. Me and my sister only had to unpack some goods and then go home. Nicenice. We also built a Gingerbread house! The tradition lives on!

Round and round it goes.

Hey. So, I'm finally in Gällivare. Worked today, came home around 2 hours ago, and we've just had dinner. Me and my sister have been sitting around my mom's nano-christmas tree - squeezing, shaking and poking our gifts - in hope of finding out what's hiding inside. We kinda failed though. Guess we have to wait 12 more days like other people ~ (XvX)

Will be working the entire week, including Saturday and Sunday. It feels kinda good though. I already know most things since I've worked there before. It's kinda chill since there is so much to do before Christmas, The hours just flies by and suddenly it's time to go home. But the best thing is that I get money for it.

Also, me and my mom went by my Grandma's house and gave her this Christmas plant we bought for her. She is so kind and caring. Little granny, she is only 92! (ovo) She got a better memory then I do, though.

Gonna take a stroll in the dark, snowy town. Maybe snap some pics.
Yey for getting a White Christmas!

- Haha, Yes . . my mom bought me a Hello Kitty Advent Calendar.

Sleeping beauty.

Molly, Vi ses i Nangijala 
- I will always love you and you will forever be missed.

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