If I go crazy, will you still call me superman?

It's Saturday and that means that everyone should be happy! ~

Keeping my fingers crossed that Molly will get a new home in the beginning of December! Please keep your fingers crossed too! (;A;)' Gonna make some calls on Monday and see if I can get some help. I really have to book those plane and traintickets now. I feel so stressed-out. Can't really sleep at night  . . . .  Ugh!

Anyways, so I'm going to make some "dinner", eeeh. I don't really like eating? Haven't eaten anything during the whole day. And on top of that .. I think I have to pull an all-nighter so I'll be really tired tomorrow night. At least it gives me a better chance to get some sleep.

So .. Food .. Need to make it.

L E A V E a C O M M E N T

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