Candyland *v*

Waowii, I haven't updated anything here in a while! I'm sorry for living. Hehe, or am I really?

Yeah so, My life eh? Been hanging out with Denise as usual and cleaning my apartment like a robotmaid. Ugh, dust - don't like it at all! Had some paperwork to take care of aswell, so I've been, ya know, doing that.

Hm, I'm just a little tired of internet. It's the same old, same old. Every single day. But, I guess I should try to be a little more active. Need to get some new batteries for my camera and, I dunno, do something with my life.

It's already snow in my old hometown btw ~
Sweden is a looong country. Atleast fall is here now, I loove the colors. Not the rain though ..

I have to update this place. The coding makes me go UUGh.

L E A V E a C O M M E N T

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